I loved this article because I relate to it. It's like the millionaire next door. Many times you don't know who is a millionaire and who isn't. In my Linkedin, there is posts and comments on each of the 10 ways, spread out over 10 posts so that you can get some quick bites.
#1 in the article (below) is my favorite because it is about mindset- how the people view money and success. They know what the value. This is an important aspect when I work with clients. Knowing what is negotiable and what you value most allows you to stay true to you and keep your internal compass focused to your true north.
Why Most Millionaires Still Feel Middle Class
"Only 8% of millionaires consider themselves rich, while 31% still identify as middle class. This psychological disconnect between actual wealth and self-perception isn’t just humility – it’s a fundamental aspect of how these individuals view money and success.
Many drive modest cars, live in comfortable but not luxurious homes, and maintain the same lifestyle they had before accumulating wealth.
This self-perception often acts as a protective mechanism, helping them keep the habits that built their wealth in the first place."
Middle-class millionaires don’t let wealth change their respect for money. They save and invest first, spending only what’s left. It’s these habits—long after they’re “necessary”—that help them maintain and grow their wealth.
Check out my LinkedIn and share your thoughts about each of the ways- I love learning from all you.